Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The One Who Helps Me Keep Going

   This post today is going to tell you not about something, but about someone who keeps me going everyday. This person is God. This topic might be a bit controversial, but I believe with everything that God is the almighty, the Alpha and Omega, and also the one that helps me to continue day after day. 
     One of my favorite Bible verses that really go with this post is Philippians 4:13 " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I think that this says that whatever obstacle comes my way during the day, whether it is being too sore to get out of bed from dancing, or struggling to make some money, I know that I can get through the day because God will always be there. 
   Sometimes I forget to thank God in the morning for letting me wake up, and also just thanking him for the obstacles because they are only making me a stronger person and helping me work on my patience. So just remember that if you don't think that you will be able to make it to tomorrow, there is someone who loves you unconditionally no matter what the circumstance, and will be there to catch you when you fall. 

                                                           Stay Devoted, 

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