Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tips for Keeping Your Room Clean

   As a teenager, I know how a bedroom can get messy fast. When I was younger I wondered how teenagers bedrooms became so messy like I saw them on t.v, but now that I am older I understand. My room gets messy from school books being on the floor, to craft projects that I am working on for my booth, my dance stuff being everywhere, and the remains of me getting ready, but I am going to share with you some tips on how I try to keep my mess under control.  

             (1)  Make Your Bed Every Morning
              Making your bed every morning will make your room look cleaner, and also help you                     not to get back in it in the morning. 

            (2)  Put Things Back Where You Found Them
                This is something that I could probably work a little bit more on, but this one is super important. I try and tell myself that the few extra minutes or even seconds putting whatever it is back where it belongs, then I won't have to do it later. Doing this makes your life easier overall. 

           (3)  Clean Out
               Every few months, or at least twice a year, try and clean out your room. By cleaning out your room, you are getting rid of old things that you don't use anymore, making room for more stuff, and also if you sell your old stuff you could make a little bit of $$$$.  

        (4) Clean Up Every Night
               Cleaning up for a few minutes every night, will help you to end the day and prepare your mind and body for a new and fresh day. Just think, if you have a bunch of stuff from yesterday all in your floor then you will not be able to start a new day, and you will not be able to think clearly about your goals for the day. 

                                     I hope these tips helped!! 
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                                                     Stay Devoted, 

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