Wednesday, May 11, 2016


          At this point in my life, there have been some things that I become disappointed with myself about. Like making a bad grade on a test, not doing my solo to its full potential, and other things that just make me feel like a failure. I try to just let it go and push that much harder the next time, but I am scared that the next time I do it I will just fail that much more. I keep contradicting myself saying that I can't become a professional dancer and that I will never amount up to anything but the girl next door, but then I get a boost of confidence like when I win an overall or scholarship and I think to myself. This is when all of the hard work has finally started to pay off and I am starting to be successful, but when you get older, what or who really decides what is successful. Is success being a surgeon or is success opening up your own bakery. Both of these options are the correct answer because success is not how much money you make or how high you are on the profession totem pole. Success is being able to say that all of that hard work that you have done your whole life has paid off. Success is being able to look back at that younger, more innocent version of you and telling him or her that if they work hard, one day they are gonna reach their dreams. On the days that I do not feel like I am a failure, I already feel successful when I dance when I make at least one person in the audience feel something or make my family proud. Until I reach my goals, which I will always continue to make new ones, I will continue to work hard whether I am able to do 5 turns or 2 because I know that there is a little girl out there looking up to me and if I fail, I will not only fail myself but I will fail them too.
     One thing that I try to do when I feel down, is I pray that God will have his will in my life. Romans 8:28 says "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." This means that if we do the things that God wants us to do, that everything will wok out for our good. When you have days where maybe you didn't get the job that you wanted, just remember that maybe you didn't get that job or audition because there is something bigger and better out there for you. And when you have other days where nothing, I mean absolutely nothing is going right, just remember that if you pray to God to let his will be done in your life, everything will work out according to his plan. 

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